For women who want to get into their Menopause
Menopause Retold Fridays Yoga and Mindfulness in person Autumn Circles:
One Friday a month looking at practical ways to support your journey and increase selfcare specifically during the Autumn season.
Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Breathwork and chat for women in peri and menopause.
Find a community of like-minded women to support you through this momentous portal.
These sessions look at Menopause from a Yoga, Mindfulness, Ayurveda and TCM perspectives and will address fatigue, stress, anxiety and all of the different manifestations experienced by most women.
Each class will include a Yoga Nidra: a radical restorative practice and a panacea for nervous system regulation and creativity.
£20 per session
Friday 17 November 10–12.30
Friday 8 December 10–12.30
Anandamarga, 3a Cazenove Road, Stoke Newington, London N16 6PA
For more info please contact me at or 07812208631